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An Icon of the Left Tells Democrats: Don’t Go Socialist

The Cold War ended 20 years ago and the hard-line communists in the Soviet Union were thrown from power. There is no more Joseph McCarthy from the 1950s. Democrats are not communists–they simply look out for the poorest of our citizens better than Republicans. Democrats’ support of the poor doesn’t make them anti-American or anti-capitalism.

The new Congress has moved the country into dangerous territory. They have called for ICE to be abolished, and for open borders to be mandatory. In this way, they can get more illegals into the country to build up the numbers of those dependent on government handouts. The progressive socialists.

Meet Don Rosa, the most famous Kentuckian you’ve never heard of There are more pictures actually. It’ll take some effort to get them all because they are stored in my friends’ memory cards. I had brought my own old-humongous-almost-a-kilogram digital camera with me at the time, but apparently had forgotten the memory card (how stupid).

PS, please don’t tell me that the difference between ‘democratic socialism’ and ‘social democracy’ is a matter of semantics. ‘Semantics’ as used in common parlance refers to inconsequential differences of language. The differences between ‘democratic socialism’ and ‘social democracy’ are hardly inconsequential.

The Democratic. by the same “go home” attack. In an emotional response at an Iowa event Tuesday, Harris said Trump had “defiled” his office and “it has to stop.” “I am going to tell you what my.

The margin of support for capitalism over socialism is only +10 points, but the margin for a free-market system over a government-managed economy is +32 points.

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"Bernie has to speak to what democratic socialism is," Warren said in March. "All I can tell you is what. anyone to reinvigorate the left but now risks being eclipsed by the Massachusetts senator.

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Welcome to the new Democratic Party. Each contender is so desperate to out-left the others, the party has completely abandoned middle America and taken a swan dive into an unabashed socialist agenda.

Democrats Embrace Socialism:Are We Headed Towards ‘Atlas Shrugged’? PJ Media, by Stephen Green Original Article. Posted By: Hazymac, 5/21/2019 8:45:28 AM There’s a recurring theme in American science fiction where the country loses its way, endures some horrible but cleansing disaster, and then rediscovers the blessings of liberty.

Cabán, a Latina public defender who recently turned 32, read from prepared remarks, asserting that her democratic socialist.

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comparing democratic socialism to traditional socialism or god forbid communism is fear-mongering it’s an accurate but it’s actually it’s actually pretty reasonable we need to

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